Sunday, October 21, 2007

yo yo! steely dan rocks! asphyxiate!

thus posted george w. bush on a radiohead message board. in a friend's dream in high school. she explained that he wanted to seem cool by referring to steely dan and use big words, i.e. "asphyxiate". as much as i enjoyed the story, i unfortunately did not take it as a sign to look into steely dan in a serious fashion. neither did strangely early knowledge of the trivial origin of the name of the group: name of a dildo in william s. burrough's "naked lunch". fortunately, by the time i came across this article, i was already aware that the band told the guy attempting to interview them during the recording of aja that peg was "a pantonal thirteen bar blues with chorus". at least the guy still got to write for the sleeve and knew they were fucking with him, whereas any jackass at pitchfork would just print that shit.
another quizzo night, of course, and another second place to those same dudes. we were pretty much glad to escape with that, had a rough final round. but we got everything and the bonus in the first round but didn't double unfortunately. hey, it is another twenty to the bar. tonight, we had the most garlicky (wow! spell check didn't flag that!) of all bread. it still possesses me like three and a half hours later. suffice to say i can claim from personal experience that garlic cigarettes will not soon overcome menthol as the popular flavor option.
as has become habit, i've been thinking about jobs and something to do. i have been thinking a lot about the limits language places on thought, and more particularly how terms of art can control thought based on a diversity of interpretation. the problem is that if you're really going to talk about language for a living in any capacity you should probably be fluent in a few, and that is a task i find more daunting than my present one. besides, it is beginning to strike me as perverse to constantly use getting an additional degree as a solution as such thinking is what got me into this mess in the first place. the grass is always greener, i guess.
i almost feel an historical pressure to needlessly extend this post despite not having much to relay. i could talk about how pretty my baby kittens look, but anyone reading surely is already aware. i could post the lyrics to the boston rag, but they're just not near as effective out of context. i could complain about something or another. but that is simply unnecessary. i could talk sports or weather, but who needs more of that in their life? so i'm just going to call it good and hope that i'm right about that in many different arenas.


metal said...

i would be more than happy to write a doctoral thesis on the interaction between spell check, neologisms, and jargon and the cumulative affect on language and thought. i could probably sneak a defense of sad clowns in too, and also include the phrase "in the parlance of our times". i got that phrase into a couple senior papers at your suggestion, let us not forget.

metal said...

i can almost always guess who the anonymous comments are, but i'm not sure on this one. and dekkinga can't follow my lead or he wouldn't be dekkinga. but maybe he could blog more. hell, i have ideas about blogging about his life. maybe instead of him blogging more i will make up shit that could be true and impostor-blog for him.

Anonymous said...

wait, how old is this country again?