Monday, October 22, 2007

if my cats lived in the zoo

they would live in a big habitat next to the lions and tigers section, distinguished on your map as the "big cats" and "tiny baby kittens" areas.


megan said...

Yes. Yes they would.

Anonymous said...

i was two sheets to the wind or half in the bag (whichever you prefer) when you called last night, sorry. you would be proud to know that i challenged a few cats to a tipsy crossword puzzle showdown last night and smoked their asses. i'll try you later on today sometime.

your cats are MICROSCOPIC.

metal said...

huh, i always thought it was three sheets to the wind. no worries, don't not answer just cause your drinkin'. if you're busy, that's one thing, but i love a good drunken phone call. as long as i'm not stone-cold sober. way to outwit those cats, but if you wouldn't have been feeding them liquor they might have one; i know some really talented crossword cats.

p said...


Unknown said...¤t=wake-up.flv