Tuesday, January 15, 2008

pabst brown pacifier

please alert me to any job postings for professional chilling the fuck out. i am currently striving to do so after what you may infer from the previous post has not been an entirely pleasurable day. feet up, forty, cig, billy joel. i need some good novels to read. something not too heavy. a buddy has a bunch of pratchett for me, and i think that will do the trick. i need something to get away. i'm already screaming at my text books, and we're two days in. i somehow got wides lights instead of wides filters. being wides, they don't leave me as wanting as regular lights, and the filters were admittedly getting a little harsh, but these have a habit of dropping their cherry. not cool. also had to correct the clerk on some pricing for my brew, i feel like a dick, but i'm not going to unquestioningly overpay by like three bucks. he didn't seem too miffed; i was right after all. like hell i don't know how much beer costs, despite the general refusal in this city to price mark fucking anything at those kinds of places.
in any event, i have made it through the trying portion of another day. one at a time. the civ pro reading was the worst: no real cases, just a poorly worded and presented rehash of things i already knew/learned last semester. that is the one prof i have yet to meet. my ip prof seems pretty sweet, another academic badass. dude has some degree with FOUR LETTERS that i've never heard of. but you know shit is serious when there are four letters involved with the abbreviation of a degree. something about public international law and treaties and such. right on. i could look up what the fuck it actually is, but no. i prefer the mystique. my constitutional law class today was a welcome history lecture, really. after class i got into a discussion about how it had not been a law class at all really, and how that was kind of nice. my friend commented that the material demanded an historical introduction, which is certainly true, but i responded with how struck i was that any and all legal classes demand the same sort of grounding really, since it is a fiction to approach such things in a vacuum. to be fair, most classes to make passing references to matters of historical influence. unfortunately they are usually hopelessly dry and stultified, significantly dimming the light they could shed on the formation of modern law. in all honesty, i've come to realize that what i really wanted to do was study law in a grad school setting as opposed to a professional school. i love learning about the law, but all of it here is tainted with career concerns. i "suffer" from a chronic failure to approach things "professionally". ah, quotes around individual words. see, i really do belong in grad school. of course, such is fraught with its own host of irrepressible bullshit, but it is at least a different set of bullshit, and we may never know if i am better equipped to handle said set, since some set is inevitable. such is life.
so american idol is kicking off here tonight. the funniest part about that is that is the probably the most recognizable reference to where i am that i have made here in some time. paranoia. whatever, good luck turning up my shit on a google with my real name and so forth. not gonna happen. anyway, they wouldn't let me on. something about how i look like bo bice (sp?) after his career went nowhere. i know i actually don't look anything like that douche, but some lady back at the plasma place was convinced that i looked like a ringer. i didn't even know who the hell the guy was when she kept telling me this. some of my more mainstream media savvy co-workers filled me in, and i was mostly just confused. so yeah, that turned out pretty weak. that was the best american idol joke i had folks. a while back i caught a mad tv parody of that guy, don't know how or why i was watching that shit, but i was glad to see him lampooned. i am also glad that lampooned is a recognized verb. good word all around. even if i can't make an easy joke (i know there is a good one lurking in there somewhere) i can at least bust out with some solid vocabulary. unlike whoever had my civ pro book before me, motherfucker defines the most mundane words in the margin and highlights like a retarded manatee, assuming retarded manatees highlight only verbs and the occasional poorly structured and generally meaningless phrases. there, maybe someone laughed at that. better than the other attempt at least. anything is funnier than me bitching about school, unless you've got that sense of humor which delights in my self-imposed plight. i am pretty sure i know everyone who reads this drivel and am also pretty sure that y'all feel good enough about me not to give me the nelson point-and-laugh for fucking up and trying to do what seemed like a good idea at the time (don't they all?).
tonight is the night where trash goes out. this is good, because since i got back all umpteen barrels we have for this modest rowhouse have been stuffed with packing supplies and containers since new people moved in somewhere downstairs. i don't have anything rotting or anything, but it will be nice to clear a little space with shit from last semester i decidedly will never refer back to. there are other things from last semester that i think i would still rather burn than throw away though. if my rage yet smolders, thus too shall the materials inspiring such fervor. huh, while typing all that i slipped into some serious british spelling habits. some words just look better with the u in them, coincidentally including smoulder and fervour. i'm not even sure the brits do the u in fervor, but whatever. i'm starting my own language and we will.
it's that time again. that time where i talk about music and you scroll to see if there is something else to read about. tonight, i am here to tell you that bruce hornsby is fuckin sweet. the lasting appeal of the way it is testifies to the man's pop sensibilities, but my god, the chops. i'm tellin ya, the dude has serious musician credibility. and he can actually sing, the bane of most serious musicians. plus, he plays squeezebox. what more do you want. but back to singing for more musical rambling. i've lately been mesmerized by the pipes on trevor from tea leaf once again. while vocals are something to come by anywhere in the music world, they are perhaps exceptionally scarce in the jam realm. this man has it together. if you're ever so inclined, this whole show is a pretty good example of how they roll. right now, the band is taking votes from all over the country as to where they should play a particular gig. i like the idea that a band will play a show wherever the most people want them to play it. not bad for a group of minor means. if my crc background taught me one thing, though, it is that if you're gonna talk about something, it should come in threes. so tonights final musical prop goes to my morning jacket. jim evokes a certain type of dylan, and i think that is why i find the whole thing undeniable. also, anyone who talks on hippie music fests should contemplate how awesome it would have been to be at the langerado show in 06. is so good. so there is your three for the post. and there wasn't even any steely dan. or lyrics posting. nothing will ever live up to posting the words to lily rosemary and the jack of hearts, as they are quite possibly the best ever, but right now i'm fighting temptation to include new madrid. oh, jeff. dekking-ha, may you get new madrid and not i'm the man who loves you at that show. still salivating over the tapes, gonna have to clear out some hard drive space. dude, you need to start loving chicago. remember when you got to live in a big city but it was still the midwest and there were people you knew from before, and you could drive home easily, and they had some place where you got to be an expert on dank brew and kaas for a living? yeah, that wasn't all bad. mostly alright, really. if you honestly don't dig it, we can always trade. law school is awesome. really. you should give it a shot. it'll be straight; nobody's gonna look at your eyes.
right now, i am mostly missing my old car. not my most recent car, no, my old car. my old school car. my great aunt's car. gun metal gray. they don't call it a celebrity for nothin. over break, donnie and i had some good reminiscing about all that, and even watching it get towed over the course of a couple hours. good times. an associate of mine recently claimed that there is an all "good times" t.v. network on cable. can anyone confirm or disconfirm? whoa, spell check is not having disconfirm. i'm willing to go out on a limb and say that regardless of what spell check has to say, any word used in lebowski dialog counts. doubly so in my new language. dammit, dialog also seems like it wants a u. i am on a total u kick right now. once, in high school, i designed a platform for running for president that featured supporting an increase in the use of the letters k and w. i like to think that such a platform would win out in this year's running of the... man, i can't even think of anything derogatory enough that would fit well in that sentence. anyway, with the power of a couple of solid letters on my side, i'm better than all those fuckers. politics is its own cartoon; i don't see how people make a living making caricatures of it all. john stewart and co. are the only people making an honest living off of politics.
that's all folks. tthings aren't going to get much better, in terms of this post, politics, or salt 'n' vinegar chips, like someone used to say. no, i just said that. and that's all i've got to say. bad at endings,


kevdek said...

If you need a book to read, berghoef can recommend a good karen kingsbury novel. Then again, why read when you can watch re-runs of mad tv. Just turn on the cable channel that plays nothing but mad tv and good times. It's dy-no-mite. no one will look at your eyes. Certainly not jimmie walker. I know I've harshed on 'the big condo' (my new name for chicago) and it definetely could be worse. I've been doing better with enjoying my job. I got a promotion: I'm now the cheese buyer. Not half bad.

erin said...

well shit, metal. life don't sound none too good.

and i can't recommend "fame" by karen kingsbury enough: nondenominational rich christians who never have to make any choices as "god" will tell them what to do.

we're contemplating setting up a website where we'll insert ourselves into karen kingsbury novels.

as the sinners, of course.