Wednesday, January 16, 2008

hurts me too

straw is going to the vet tomorrow. he does not want to go on his own, and thus i must bring him there. not looking forward to it, but i really want him to be okay. he is not feeling so premium. all lethargic and obviously pained to move. even the medical world of pets is fraught with bullshit. i fully expect the vet to be appalled that he has no medical records to transfer to them, excepting getting neutered like four years ago. listen, the cats and i have been to the doctor an equal amount of times since i've had them. i refuse to be guilted on this one. all that aside, the logistics of the whole ordeal are nothing to look forward to. i managed to borrow a cat carrier from my neighbor, so that is one thing dealt with. the real concern is how to get this cat so some place like thirty blocks away. cab is kind of cost prohibitive. this situation is yet another reason why i should already have a car share account. i'm kind of wary of taking the cat on the trolley, but its really the only thing that makes good financial sense. i can't really articulate why i'm uncomfortable with it, but i just don't want to upset the poor thing while he's already not feeling well. i also feel a little iffy about being the dude with the howling feline in a box on public transport, but in reality, fuck it. like i don't deal with assholes having annoying loud conversations on cell phones and blasting shitty music out of crappy headphones every day. i don't ten dollar feel bad for you listening to my cat complain about riding with you all. not on the way there, not on the way back. the posting inside the vehicle bans animals except in "approved containers". this has gotta count. i will be pissed if i am missing class only to have a legal debate with a septa employee. this whole thing is a frustration i do not need right now. people always talk about taking health for granted, but here i was taking my cat's health for granted, and now it is a thing. in the end, i will be glad to see him back to normal though. hopefully i will be happy enough to assuage the bummer of budgeting concerns.
have i mentioned lately that i hate law school and the life i have governed by it? yes? good, just wanted to make sure. no updates; it is still a pain in the ass leading to nothing better. seriously, i wouldn't give a shit about the whole thing if i wanted to be a lawyer. therein lies the rub.
let's talk about something else. i had one of the most serious slices of pizza i've ever encountered this evening. if ever one slice was all i needed, this was it. just a plain sicilian slice from across the road, but man was it good. took a while to even eat the thing. don't think i could have done another one, so it is a good thing i didn't overshoot it. this was enough to restore my faith in pizza, as i had made the mistake of taking advantage of the notorious free pizza at so many lunchtime talks at school. seriously, there has to be another pizza place in the area they could order from. the ubiquitous pies are the worst pizza i have ever had, including the pizza product in the high school cafeteria, boxed chef boy-ar-dee, and the infamous hot 'n' ready. well, wait. the law school pizza is only the second worst. the worst ever was a pizza we bought at one of those canadian highway convenience islands on the way back from coventry. god that was awful. we seriously didn't even eat half of it, despite being seriously hungry. everything was wrong with it; but the raw doughy-ness of the crust elevated/lowered it to worst pizza ever status. but the pizza at school is worse than late night pizza mister pizza (no, really, those five words were the name, and they had some wicked bad pie). it is greasy as hell, the cheese tastes ersatz, the crust smacks of starch, the sauce is inadequate in quantity and substance, and the toppings are all somehow not quite right, like the pepperoni doesn't come out the color or flavor pepperoni should, onion chunks are unnecessarily large, green olives are always bad and come on the veggie and the supreme, and the mushrooms are like brined or something. i usually just go for plain, but the problems that has have just been noted. there is nothing good to be said about that pizza other than that it is eaten at no additional cost beyond tuition. all that being said, come on. pizza does not have to be bad, and in fact has no excuse to be bad. it is pizza, for christ's sake, it should bring tastiness and joy, not lubrication and regret. is this so much to ask?
seeing all the zs above i thought about scrabble (not marked! didn't know that was a word), or more accurately scrabulous. oddly enough, yesterday, between covering intellectual property material and glancing at my scrabulous tab, i wondered how they were pulling this off legally speaking. the board is the spitting image, and the name is even a take off on the original. c'mon. then today, sure enough, news about how the kibosh has been put on the whole thing. what were they thinking? nothing probably. if i remember correctly, the application was an independently designed add-on the site itself later incorporated. dial one eight hundred sue yer ass. probably they'll just get an injunction for facebook not to do it any more, only money changing hands is going from business entities to lawyers. some jackass just got fat paid to throw out a bunch of WHEREASes and THEREFOREs. maybe even a WHEREFORE or two. weak, but if one must be a lawyer, i suppose that is really one of the more palatable options in my view.
the rest of this post has been canceled due to a phone call that was more encouraging than just whining. i'll be back.


Miss Zombie Eyes said...

I don't think I've read the word "pizza" so many times in one paragraph. Nonetheless, highly entertaining.

p said...

mister pizza. yes. was it not extremely runny? I lived by there for awhile.

metal said...

in the immortal words of van morrison: "i lived there for a while but i moved out"