Tuesday, December 18, 2007

i do this; i be he

ready to get this show on the mofo road. at least i'm going to be more on point for this last exam: when i was awakened by a power saw nearby this morning, i didn't cuss and wonder why someone was doing something noisy before i was up, i immediately ran through the significant points of a case dealing with power tools. this was succinctly followed by thinking no, i'm wrong, there is a power saw running making the noise. this is more like a different case because it is not pneumatic tools causing arthritis. then i thought about how strange it was that law school had taken over even my semi-conscious mind and how i used pneumatic tools when i worked in that factory for like a month or whatever. i honestly don't know which is worse, but neither proved to be very inspiring.
i am currently sitting around at my sister's place, not focusing on studying. i came over to print my big ass outline and borrow a bag from ben, and realized i should also do early check-in for my flight. however, i was under the impression that i could do that within 48 hours, as opposed to the 24 the website is presently insisting on. so i've just kind of been chilling for a couple hours, another forty minutes to go or something, but i'm not gonna leave and come back. it isn't that far of a walk, of course, but it is cold and there is nothing i would be doing at home that i can't do/haven't been doing here except for dealing with a shitty internet connection instead of basking in the glorious functionality of this one. although my bit torrents are still moving like molasses... oh well. oo, i am also looking forward to taking a vacuum cleaner home with me, they apparently have an extra here. so in a while i will be that guy walking down a sidewalk with a laptop bag, empty suitcase, and a vacuum cleaner. i expect it to look pretty sweet. in my mind i just thought of myself in stride looking like that behind the beatles on the cover of abbey road.
i just got an email about a law book sale coming up in january. great, another thing i will need to spend money i don't have on, nice to be reminded. the best part is that they are calling it a "law book faire", that's right, with the old school spelling. first, there is nothing festive about an organized market for text books. it is just as boring as the regular book store, which does not claim to be a book shoppe. second, where do they get off using that e on the end of fair? just being in the northeast is not enough to append extraneous es. i guess it could have been worse. they could have used "fayre". i'm not going unless guinevere shows up and sings me a request to bring her there.
as much as i am looking forward to going home, i'm also trying to brace myself for disappointment. this is not a dig on anyone else, it is simply a realization that i have perhaps placed too high an expectation on the experience. i left there because i wasn't happy with it most of the time, and it probably won't be that different. this is the same reason law school has been such a disappointment: i pinned too high of hopes on it for changing things. one can shift scenery and some significant settings, but the real problems don't just go away on their own. sad but true. all too true.
i was glad to see dekkinga scored tickets for that big wilco run in chicago, but unfortunately i was not in his shoes in terms of awareness that 2008 dates had been announced, and so the show here was sold out before i even knew it was going to happen. the consolation prize is that tapes from when wilco plays at home are usually fantastic sources, and the threat of serious set list variability has me quite excited about the series. i haven't been to a show in ages. new clutch dates just came out and they are playing NOWHERE CLOSE. absolute bullshit; they used to play the trocadero like every fucking tour. until i moved here. i'll at least get to see the hippo on new years when i go home. at the new founders, where you cannot smoke. absolute bollocks. might go see la famiglia if i'm feeling frisky, will probably go see covert operations because i'm self destructive. well, we've almost reached the magic 24 hours before flight time, and i guess i've written enough optimistic and uplifting things for one post. gonna go home and try to stay on task with the outline from heaven via hell. torts: it's what's for dinner. but not in cake form.


p said...

you're a pneumatic tool

erin said...

Low expectations rock.

And consider the spellcheck ripoff an homage of sorts.

kevdek said...

I saw the Philadelphia had sold out. I think it was gone weeks ago.

No smoking in the new founders, huh? January first the city of chicago will undergo a smoking ban. I have a hard time believing that every bar, particularly west side working class immigrant bars, are going to fully comply. While I don't like taking options away from people, I can't wait to come home from a bar not smelling/feeling like shit. I'll probably save money on laundry.