Wednesday, December 12, 2007

fuck auto format

caffeine + nicotine = some progress. but the auto format function of word cuts both ways. sometimes it is really nice and other times it fucks my shit up so bad i spend more time trying to make things appear to have some semblance of organization than i do writing things down. why don't i just turn it off? one, i don't remember where that function is, and i am not about to ask a damn animated paper clip how to find it and two, sometimes it works well. why so inconsistent? remember when word was made by microsoft and how it still is? that's why. can't bitch too much since my beloved diet coke is sort of doing the same thing, fueling my progress while causing the distraction of having to get up and piss like every half hour. the sun is already on its way down, meaning it is past four. by five i will have to study under the dreaded overhead light as the pleasing lamp does not give enough light from its location. life is just not fair.

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