no, not your slacks. slacks usually imply one will somewhat ironically not be slacking. although this is not always the case. a buddy of mine showed up at school wearing suit pants (kinda like slacks, especially this particular pair) and it was mostly as a direct result of slacking and thereby running out of other suitable pants options. but i feel like i've been slacking here, sorry. i was gonna type up some shit last night, but i wound up on the phone with mando for a long time and that was way sweeter for me. and honestly, i looked a list of shit i had considered writing about here, and it was kind of shitty (no spell check mark on that). not that it matters anyway, since most of what i type on this is shit that results from extended rambling based in some sketchy ideas. but anyway, on the slacking front, i have recently begun to enjoy two great time killers: online networking and a good web comic. i got a facebook (marked, thank god) page so i could check out some pictures. that was worth it. i'm just hoping i don't get sucked into sitting around on it all day, which is one reason why a touch and go internet connection is sometimes an o.k. (won't take ok or okay, what is o.k. supposed to be an abbreviation for?). managed to find a workable non-name after a bit of wrangling. i don't understand why it gives you so much shit about what you make your name; one could easily make up a passable name of john smith or anything really, so why not just let me be metal if that is what i want to be? more people could probably find me that way as it is. isn't this supposed to be a networking thing for people who go to school? aren't a lot of people better known by nicknames as it is? ah well, what's done is done. the other great distraction in web comic form is achewood. i really can't believe i didn't get into it sooner; my sister had even showed it to me before. i guess i wasn't as actively looking for something to distract and entertain me then as i am now. anyway, it is pretty fucking sweet, and if you haven't already checked it out, you should. takes a little time to get into it, but the page is set up nice so that you can read a couple of story arcs to get what is going on (i recommend "the great outdoor fight" as a starting point, as good as any i guess) or you can read the wikipedia article, which is really pretty helpful. if you've checked it out before and didn't get into it, maybe you should give it another go like i did. if you have been into it already and dig it, we should talk about how great it is some time.
other than that, i don't have a whole lot in the way of major updates to offer. i'm still in law school and it still sucks ass, but for the time being i am in "feel like this is a doable thing" mode", for no particular reason; i didn't exactly spend all weekend working on things. which is not to say that i didn't put in some hours, but as always, feels like there is more to do. earlier in the week, the travails of school led one of my buddies to explore the possibilities of mixing whiskey with all he had available, namely, tea. if you haven't ever had a whiskey and tea, well, let's just say you don't have to bother. this is not a good thing to drink at all. he had a handle of banker's club, and i already had to drink that straight once as a result of school, and i don't know if that is better or worse. during one of my more intense stretches during this past week, i was reading about the waterboarding debate while i should have been doing something else, probably paying attention. but i thought to myself, shit, i would rather be waterboarded than do this school thing straight up. if law school is legal, i guess it just isn't fair to rule out waterboarding. but once again, i am paying to be waterboarded. and i don't even have any information to confess. on the brighter side of things, i did discover that work-study funding is available for first summer law school bullshit jobs, which is great because all i knew thus far is that they were pretty much all unpaid. it isn't totally encouraging, but on the other hand i am glad it is possible for me to maybe be a research assistant or something and get enough money to hopefully live meagerly on. my buddy had an interview with merck or someshit already, and i'm glad i don't have to think about that. as if it wasn't bad enough that they're a huge pharmaceutical company, they are even currently making headlines for being egregiously shitty for marketing vioxx and more or less killing a bunch of people. with the shit i'm doing in criminal law right now, it is a wonder that actual people within the corporation haven't been formally charged with some sort of homicide crime. school, for all of my problems with it, has helped to bring into relief the fact that i still have some serious deep-seated moral and ethical positions. like not working for the united states government, which unfortunately precludes me from working a bunch of what would otherwise be pretty excellent and interesting gigs. social justice is a fairly unattainable end to valiantly strive for, but shit, even i've got some standards. so it goes. i'm still willing to give it a go round for the time being. i recently discovered that paul simon went to law school. extremely briefly. things worked out pretty decent for that dude. unfortunately i do not possess overwhelming songwriting talent as far as i am aware.
today was pretty good, featuring the return of quizzo. we sneaked (spell check takes sneaked but not snuck, confused about that, always thought it was snuck) into second in the last round after a fairly dismal outing. there was some controversy, but at the end of the day we walked out with another gift certificate. and i personally walked out with a couple of the mystery prizes from the bonus round at the end from being the first to answer the name of the bi-monthly publication of the jehovah's witnesses and the name of daria's sister (watchtower society and quinn, respectively, if you were curious). took a good walk earlier in the day and did a little bit of grocery gettin', no cart this time. unfortunately i will still have to go pick up a bigass thing of cat litter sometime soon; didn't realize we were gonna take the trolley back or i probably would have grabbed up on one today. ah well, i can always use a walk and the exercise it entails. what i don't think i could use is a three hour criminal law session in the morning, but that is what i have to look forward to for now. the waterboarding thing is sounding like not such a bad option again.
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