Wednesday, November 14, 2007

fajitas to the rescue

blah blah law school whine whine this sucks that sucks, inane shit about music you don't like, blah. what's that? i already wrote about that a bunch of times? oh, i was just worried i wasn't making things clear. today i had an exam. an exam for which i felt fairly well prepared and was open everything. i kind of assumed that since it was an end-of-the-class exam it would cover a little bit of everything we had done, you know, like how exams are supposed to work and stuff. but as it turns out, i probably could have passed just studying about options in depth. call options, put options, financial options, real options, straddles, you name it. cause that shit was not in the book but we talked about it for part of one class. so of course it comprised like half the damn test. i felt i knew enough about options, but apparently one can never know too much. if "business basics for lawyers" is that much about options, i just wish they could have been more up front about it. mostly i am chagrined that the prof repeatedly stated that the exam was not intended to fool anyone. he should have qualified that with "that is, anyone who knows a shit ton about options". i don't think i failed or anything, but i left school a little miffed and generally unhappy about the whole ordeal. but let's go back to the beginning of the day, which had already served to put me in a foul mood, more than i should have let it. i was sitting down waiting for class to start, still had a while before all that. sitting next to my original law school chum, shooting the shit about the reading for today's class. and in walks my arch-nemesis, reigning champion of least favorite person i know. she sits in front of us. let me say a few things about this broad. remember how you had an intro to philosophy class and some jackass could never shut the fuck up despite having nothing valuable to contribute? this chick is like that, except about law classes. and, being in law school, that is the only kind of class i have. and being in the first year of law school, she is in all of my classes. people generally regard her as arrogant, but i think that in order to be arrogant one must actually be good at something in the first place. if she has the right to be arrogant about anything, it is being a total pain in the ass and a human incarnation of fingernails on the chalk board of life with an appropriate voice. so anyway, i am talking to my friend about how repetitive a certain portion of the reading was and voicing my reaction of "alright, i get it already", and this girl turns around and says to me "do you REALLY get it?" in a cocky ass tone. i am not amused. this could be a poor attempt at a joke by a humor-impaired person, perhaps, so i just say that i think i do. then she asks "are you SURE?" and i arrive at the cusp of the situation. i pussied out. just said yeah, and she left to go get a coffee. part of me really wishes that i had never been forced to sublimate the aggression that was a hallmark of my youth (thanks for the therapy, now i just take it out on myself and not other people) and could have just jacked that fucking bitch in the jaw like she deserved. one of those unforeseeable consequences. anyway, i knew i shouldn't be rattled by some highfallutin' ho, but i just can't help it sometimes. violence is bad, but that would have been a classy way to leave law school. if you're gonna pick up battery charges, that's the way to do it. this isn't a violence against women thing. this is somebody who needs to be taken down a peg. so, while i didn't get to physically deck her, i hope she realized she got theoretically backhanded during the course of the class. she raised her hand and gave some asinine answer at one point. i got called on (way to wear a bright orange shirt, jackass, real easy to lay low in that) and rose to the occasion. turns out i did get it, go figure. while my school day was bookended by some bullshit, i must say i had a bitchin good time between classes. crackin some jokes, fuckin around on the web, gettin some dank cheesesteaks, talking about starting a band where our buddy with verbal diarrhea just talks over some lame jams. my buddy met the challenge (i did not suggest this) of navigating from "jesus" to "anal sex" in wikipedia using only links. the original strategy was to get from jesus to romans to greeks to anal sex, but it didn't quite work out, some dead ends at caligula, surprisingly. winning strategy: jesus to people named jesus to fictional people named jesus to lebowski to pederast to anal sex. other recent law school highlights: case where the issue was "what is chicken?" (no, not about kfc, about imports/exports and germans), the word "reconnoitering". it is a real word; spell check did not even mark it.
so i left law school feelin a little down about the exam. i just wanted to go home. so when i was at the stop past where i got on, i transferred over to the express train which happened to be at the same stop when i got there. it goes to where i was headed, just with fewer stops. so i get on and they announce the next stop, which i know from staring at in-subway transit maps that the express does not stop at. i am confused, and the subway is going even more underground than normal. the stop we are at is a stop i go through every day but it is not the way i know it looks. this is a problem. i am confused, but i don't immediately bail because hey, maybe i just didn't understand the map or something. no. i am on the weird spur of the line, headed to nowhere i want to go. so i got off at the next stop someplace i have never been. unfortunately there is no compelling drama to relate; i sort of knew where i was after walking a couple blocks and just had to walk a ways and lose my free transfer. i made it back alright, but i was feeling less than thrilled. fortunately my sister called and invited me for dinner. it was fajitas. i felt a lot better for a while. she also got me beef jerky the other day and pointed me toward achewood. she is good to me. i wonder how things would be if i had gone to new orleans instead. no way to know.
the other day i saw a big pile of tiny jigsaw puzzle pieces on the sidewalk. i imagine someone dropping the box and looking down and thinking aw, fuck it. i mean, this is doable, but really, is it worth it? do i want to bother? seems like way more trouble than it is worth. even if i get all the pieces together, am i going to take the time to put it together? did i already do this one? basically, this is how i feel about my current life situation.


erin said...

that broad isn't even worthy of being your arch-nemesis.

if she were in a leather catsuit and stilettos, maybe.

metal said...

word, good to know at least some folks out there got my back. and she doesn't even deserve it. she's not a real arch-nemesis; she doesn't want to take over the world, she just wants to vex it.

rebecca said...

you should tell her to act right.