Sunday, March 19, 2006


as if this one was difficult to see coming.... i did it. broke down and got that laptop. i feel an unparalled sense of the satisfaction of consuming. probably the most money i've blown on one thing all at once in my life this far. and i couldnt be more thrilled. its cute, its badass, its all i wanted in a machine. i'm gonna wander around looking for wireless networks until i get this thing stolen.


Anonymous said...

ok kev, man.. now you've got a laptop... no excuses! :P hehe
on a very cool note: you must check out this short
it's really cool.
i miss you man!

p said...

Well I reckon it would behoove us all to research the space elevator further:

metal said...

and they thought we were makin that shit up. none of the doubters shall have jobs on the space elevator. in fact, i think my job on the space elevator should be to make sure than anyone who ever talked shit about the space elevator can't work there or even benefit from its existance. i'll exile people from michigan if i have to. but then they'll find out that's what they really wanted all along. well, damn youse, haters, damn youse.

Anonymous said...

dude, you *are* slacking. what kind of laptop did you wind up getting?

metal said...

slacking? moi? no, no, i had a birthday man. i am still too excited about this laptop to play with it during periods of time involving drinking. too many hazards. i also was too pessimistic about the idea of free internet in my living room. but no, its here. i tried it a couple times but not too intently. with very little effort, here i am. i wound up getting some sort of toshiba satellite, i can't remember the model. but its got one of those really nice 100% flat bright widescreens, looks kinda like glossy photographs sometimes. 100 gig hard drive, gig o' ram. and she's only five pounds. not quite as cute as those vaios, but guess what, i can actually type on the keyboard on my computers, so fuck you man. i am officially super elated with it now with the functional high speed connexion. so yeah, that's what it is.