Sunday, March 19, 2006


so it looks like i'm already slacking. that is only sort of true. i had actually written a fairly lengthy entry over the coursee of a couple of days. the other evening i noticed this handwritten piece of loosleaf the other day on the table in my room and made a mental note. good thing its right there, i thought, i'm lucky i didn't lose it before i wanted to post it, i'll put that up tomorrow. tomorrow arrived and the paper naturally had vanished. no sign of it anywhere. turned up the whole goddam room. then the other room. then the car. then the first room again. this kind of shit really really really gets to me. so i've spent a day or two trying to overcome my loss and doing various other very important things, and i guess this will have to do for now.

the loss of this post, of course, does more to make the case for the laptop issue, which is almost enough to make me wonder if i didn't subconsciously lose that paper on purpose... i have the funds for this damn thing. now to overcome the anxiety about getting the "right one" etc... i feel like someone i know trying to buy a couch almost, but nothing that ridiculous.

although i said this blog wasnt gonna be a social thing (and its not) i must say that i have made some good use of hanging-out time with some good folks over the past couple of days. thank you to all of those who bothered to haul their asses to town for breaks or st paddys or random debauchery or whatever. good to see y'all. my one question is when did everyone start drinking bushmills? not that this is a bad thing but i've run into like three people who have had fifths of it within the last week. irish, i guess. also thanks to the jameson folks for some free booze, while we're on the subject.

in other booze news, i'm just about finished with a book about jim morrison. now before all you too cool for school mofos start talking shit, let me just say that i'm not one of those people. you know, the jim morrison people. those who freak out or obsess or have an otherwise unhealthy infatuation with the man. those who know me can attest to this, from probably knowing someone who is actually like this. now, i do like the doors' music, but that's not even really the issue here; the book is about jim morrison primarily and the doors peripherally. so why read a book on jim morrison? because i want to better understand exactly how it is that anyone gets people to freak out like that. so the questions are who exactly was jim morrison and what was it about him that makes us all be able to connect that name with so many other things? the book is somewhat helpful here. its called lizard king the essential jim morrison or something typical like that. its by the same guy who wrote no one here gets out alive, the Book of the Doors in the Rock and Roll Bible. that document is pretty well known and the source of many things commonly known about jim morrison. basically, the content is not much news to anyone with cable tv and a passing interest in the doors (or a problem finding the remote) knows. this other book was published much later, and i wondered what else needed to be said. turns out jim wasw a decently smart guy and a definate performer. definately gets me thinking about the meaning and power of performance. i guess the real dirt the book wanted to spill was that he really did die at least partially from heroin. this isnt a real shocker to me, and i dont see why it even matters much, but there were still lots of interesting things in there.

fixed the comments posting thing for all those out there who dont already have a blog on this system, let me know if there are still any problems. i probably wont know how to fix them if they exist, but i would still like to know.

well i'm still pretty frustrated about not finding that other post, but if it ever turns up i'll probably find some way to work most of that shit in another time. otherwise feel free to start spreding rumors about the unbridled genius of the legendary 'lost posts'.

for all west michigan readers, you are probably familiar by now with the more-infamous-by-the-day mystery development transpiring in grand rapids. yeah, the '10 000 permanent new jobs' one. well, i can't reveal my sources (although i *can* vouch for their reliability and insider status), but the leak has happened. the story will now be broken. grand rapids is to be home to the first SPACE ELEVATOR. yes, space elevator. more details as i remain in contact with my source. i'm totally getting a job there.

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