Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the man in me

but oh, what a wonderful feeling. just to know that i've got beer. in the form of a quart bottle of yuengling, which is the perfect size. i need it to contend with the ridiculous login situation this google domination of blogger accounts has caused me. every time i try to log in, it tells me my password is wrong. so everyday i try the one i had previously put in, and it never works. so i try the original. no luck. so basically every time i want to post, i have to go through the whole password reset song and dance, which is lame. but i do it. and i do it for jews, dear reader. everything i do, i do it for jews. and also the school of law, which is demanding some serious reading.
the good news is that not all of the reading is so bad. the criminal law stuff is a little dry and its been back to this asshole named hart who dominated my philosophy of law class in undergrad; the haunting continues. and kant showed up AGAIN. that fucker. but my torts text is really interesting and the prof i have actually worked on the book. normally, i'm opposed to a prof teaching 'their' material, but that really isn't the case in this instance. it's not like wolterstorf having people read 'death of a son' or kelly clark having people read his bullshit and teaching it like the gospel. miraculously, my contracts book is imbued with a sense of humor. it's a nice change of pace. not only that, but the cases i've had are quite interesting. the first one i dealt with involved someone being held responsible (responcable?) for a deal they made when they claimed they were drunk. the implications are dire for someone like this girl and her mother's soul and brother's girlfriend's virginity. the case also included the phrase "high as a georgia pine". i'll have to remember that one. the other one in that book had to do with this ad that i remember in disturbing detail. anyone else recall the pepsi points promotion? there was this ad where it showed all this shit and listed the available items and requisite pepsi points. the idea was all these high school students lives became much cooler via pepsi gear (craved by those of the "pepsi generation"). at the very end the coolest kid flies in a harrier jet to school, and in keeping with the rest of the ad it says 'harrier jet - 7 000 000 pepsi points'. so of course some asshole tried to amass enough points to get said jet. one would have to consume more than 100 pepsis a day for like 100 years to get the points straight up, but there was an option to purchase pepsi points for 10 cents a piece. so of course this douche tried to buy a harrier jet for 700k and 15 pepsi points. of course, the court held that the advertisement did not constitute a legitimate agreement and the 23 million dollar fighter jet couldn't be purchased with pepsi points, and the jackass trying to buy it was not entitled to judgment by a jury of his 'pepsi generation peers'. summary judgment granted to defendant.
some other good news about law school is that the 'not on the rug, man' sticker on my laptop has received widespread recognition and some good quote bantering. a couple of folks have gone so far as to ascribe me dude status, which is a little generous on their behalf. although one guy noted that 'law school is verrrry un-dude'. i guess he is right. but he's a really cool guy himself, turns out motherfucker went to GVSU! Neither one of us could believe there was another gun rue representative out here. He's big on good beers (and once heckled insane theater at founders! those fuckin douches!) and the derb (big surprise, no silver derby website to link to - that'll be the fuckin day). he also worked in the jenison (baby baby ain't no zen, back in jenison) 7-11, which i got a good laugh out of, having consumed innumerable slurpees and cigars while a youngster from said establishment.
so presently i can here my sister's man making use of their newly purchased neti pot and it has been of disputed effectiveness, as is typical. i'm personally not sold on all that, but i would be interested in hearing anyone else's experiences. and yes, i've seen the video that the married to the sea/toothpase for dinner people did. if you haven't, check it out. it's actually fairly funny, unlike most of those vids. at least the comic is still pretty good. hit and miss with the 60's lookin stuff these days, i really prefer the 19th century type engravings they used to rely on. but i guess material runs thin after a while.
yesterday was indeed cheesesteak day, and it was crazy delicious. i ordered one with everything on it for the price, and it was pretty minimal, but no complaints. the lunch truck came recommended from a native, and it did not disappoint. first one i had with ketchup. good addition, really. more later, but time for sleep now. big ups to all those beyonnnnnnnnd the rio grandiooooooooooooo


kevdek said...

xxxtina likes her neti pot. She says it's especially effective if you're having trouble sleeping at night or are experiencing congestion from allergies. Like all new health regimen, consult your doctor if you experience cramping, vomiting, migranes, or a stabbing in the abdomen. Neti pot does not protect you from HIV/Aids. Discontinue immediately if you experience said Aids.

metal said...

huh, theirs only advises to quit at the point of persistent AIDS and recommends you immediately make use of a needle in your d. does yours say anything about using whiskey?

metal said...

i'm currently reading the case of one who was known to frequent the Berghoffer - seems that the jury has taken this fact into special consideration...