Sunday, August 19, 2007

it's on senor...

i wasn't about to figure out how to get the tilde over the n. and now it's doing something odd with the fonts and i am not going to bother with that either. well, here i am, with something to write about again i guess. law school orientation starts tomorrow, and for some reason i totally feel like high school starts tomorrow, like a nervous child. but how bad can it be, really? as long is there is no around-the-room name/origin/"something interesting about yourself" rigmarole. as you may have inferred from the quotation marks, it's that third one i really take exception to. what they really mean is "please say something very lame and awkward on the spur of the moment that people can use to make a snap judgment about you, confirming any assumptions anyone may already have". maybe i just take it too seriously. i just don't feel like i have that one go-to thing so many people do. "my brother is an olympic swimmer" "i almost died this one time" "i juggle live weasels" (on a side note my impending departure from gun rue left me without time to attend an experimental juggling exhibition with some of the world's most innovative artists in such arenas which was heavily promoted to me by a major fan at kendall). but really, i've got the orientation week schedule, and it looks alright. they get us started with just two classes right away, which seems like a good idea.
but i guess we'll see how all that goes when it does, no sense in speculating anymore now. the prosecution intends to prove that i am a reasonably capable and intelligent individual who can manage this ordeal. in blog news, they made me sign up for a google account, but nothing is different except the way i log in. i'm sure most of you went through this months ago, but it still strikes me as really strange. on the other hand you probably all already had google accounts like real people do. i'll make it there someday, i swear. also, this little bar below my typing space is new. it encourages people to include "labels for this post, e.g. scooters, vacation, fall". so i think i am going to label every post from now on. and the labels will be one or more of those three in some arrangement every time. however, i will make sure to avoid writing about scooters, vacation or fall, the act thereof, the season, or the biblical notion. i am curious if using those labels would dramatically increase traffic, and if so, how many people would be frustrated versus intrigued that the labels they seek to find kindred spirits yield such dissonant results. as is obvious, i am also now attempting to blog again. supposed to have some wireless internet business. and i do, pretty much. but it doesn't work quite as well as the free ones back in g-r-usalem. it will get better when i receive my (cue angelic choir) wiiiiireless modem, wireless modem, wiiiiirellessss modemmmmm. you know, like the hallelujah chorus. yeah. if i knew how to blog right i would link up that
so i have all my shit in my apartment and all that, but i am not really moved in as such. see, my apartment is completely remodeled brand new and a couple of things are getting finished next week, most notably, the carpet will be installed. this means i cannot set up anything in my meager living space that i could not on short notice completely shove into the even more minuscule kitchen area. so while that aspect is frustrating and has me living sort of living like a refugee (sorry tom petty, i really kind of do, for like a couple days, and no, it's not because i was tied up taken away and held for ransom, despite that being the obvious choice. that's just how it is tom.) honestly though the new apartment thing is nice, and certainly a novel experience to me with all my experience with what could be affectionately (and accurately) described as lived-in spaces. bonuses like a small washer/dryer unit in my own little studio are much welcome. more on all this good stuff later, but the hour is getting late and i have something to get up and do in the morning all of a sudden.

1 comment:

rebecca said...

IN UNIT washer and dryer...i'm jealous. keep me posted on how it goes this week--i'm really excited for you.