Sunday, April 09, 2006

candy left over from halloween, a unified theory of everything

last night, i decided i was one of those people who had it all figured out. unfortunately when i inquired of myself as to what exactly i knew, i couldnt quite put my finger on it. so i guess i dont really have it all figured out. or maybe i do and i just cant tell you. i thought a lot about mysticism in the late derrida and it made good sense. words necessarily profane the truth. however, as noted at some earlier point, metaphor is a counterpunch in the face of language. so we'll see if we can't work something out one of these days.
well, the times they are a changin' (berghoef, please alert those who keep track of dylan references in major publications). i think it is finally time to declare the coldness over. not that it should always be warm until fall, but the cold proper has gone i believe. i'm sunburned and watching baseball. sunburn courtesy of disc golf at brewer park, good times for one and all. baseball, i've decided, is worth following this year. why not? just somethin to shoot the shit about. my only complaint is that if i'm gonna root for a baseball team, i wanna root for a lousy team. fortunately i've always had the tigers, but they're off to a disappointingly good start. fortunately, in my experience this sort of thing indicates that they will yet again have a terrible year. my national league faves, the brewers, are the other best team in pro baseball right now. what the hell? ah well, baseball it is.
i know its been a big gap between posts again, unfortunately. there are good reasons for these things, as always. but i'd really like to be posting more still, and i really love using my computer/the internet on the occasions in which i do. considering signing up for one of those connect anywhere services, even though i probably would mostly be just using it from my house. but it would be good to know that it would work anywhere and i wouldnt have to worry about lengthy contracts or dealing with transferring service if i move somewhere or whatever. but computers are great, and i just want to be fully integrated. i think it would be a step in the right direction.
despite the lack of internet, all else has been quite well. having as much fun as possible given the circumstances. mr. berghoef was kind enough to make an appearance in gun rue this thursday, universally well received. he was also nice enough to burn me a cd with both the old and new loose fur albums. i've been digging both of them quite a bit, at first i only liked the older one and some of the new one but its growing on me. i think its pretentious to only have two albums and have them sound completely different, but as peter pointed out, both jeff tweedy and jim o'rourke are involved, its bound to be at least a little bit pretentious. knowing that jeff played 'ruling class' in the chapel at calvin this past fall really makes me wish i had been there. that woulda been pretty satisfying, and i think i might feel a little bit better about calvin if i had been there.
i went to go see v for vendetta on friday. honestly, i want to see it again. it left me with a lot of things to think about. in some ways, it felt so right, so easy to agree with, so easy to view favorably. something about it just seeemed overly simplistic. but i did like it. would like a transcription of some scenes where v speaks quickly, some of it winds up tough to catch. but i love the verbosity. some of the other things i was complaining about like the masses of people in masks at the end it turns out weren't in the graphic novel it's based on. the detective also doses up in the graphic novel, as anyone truly familiar with the substance might be able to pick up on when he goes into the speech about how he went to go visit the place where the research was done for the bio-weapons and felt everything was connected. i was also interested to learn that not only was the story pre-9/11, but the adaptation from graphic novel to screenplay was also pre-9/11 and interestingly enough pre-matrix (wachowskis do a better job in v, i'd say, never been too big of a fan of the matrix, but maybe it was just keeanu's delivery). overall a movie worth seeing for most people i think, although i think unfortunately it won't change anyone's mind; if they go in as the sort to enjoy it, they will, if they don't, they won't. interesting stuff, either way.
well, the tigers are losing now. i feel a whole lot better. now it's really spring.


rebecca said...

did you watch family ties?

p said...

Did my eyes decieve me or do the Milwaukee Brewers have a new logo? I sure hope not.

metal said...

family ties? no. what was that again? and the brewers got a newish logo a couple years ago i think. i think they still wear the old school stuff sometimes though. either way, i'm takin the ferry from muskegon to milwaukee for a brewers game at some point.