Tuesday, March 04, 2008

rockin' OOT

that's right, with an overdone canadian accent, 'cause that's how we do it. i was moving even slower than normal on this hot pants (no longer brief - hot pants). then i put on some BOC. great double live album called terrestrial alien or something else nonsensical like that. all i know is progress has improved except for occasional air drumming. great blend of classic rock and early early metal. the first side opens with a song featuring call-and-response between the band and the audience where the crowd yells "dominance!" and the vocalist replies "submission!". the next tune talks about cities in flame with rock and roll, and in the one after that the lyrics repeatedly permit everyone to refer to the lead singer as "doctor music". what more do you want?


rebecca said...

i can't wait to tell you about lebowski fest!

kevdek said...

how 'boot them sens!

Tommy Gun said...

BOC makes the craziness of life seem.. just a little less crazy.