Sunday, September 23, 2007

smooooooth malt liquor

quizzo night tonight, and unfortunately is was penn-english-free quizzo night (restaurant week engagements). but we still had a good time and got our ass whupped. points for the month, points for the month. if, at the end of the month, you are one of the top three teams in total points for the month you get to spin the wheel for a one in three chance at $100 cash. also, they were ought of yeungling on draft so it was only $2 bottles. bummer, but probably for the best, as i had a late lunch which was mostly unenjoyable and led to no dinner aka drinking on an empty stomach. so i grabbed a forty of the classiest looking malt liquor i could find on the way home. it is so classy that i can't even be certain of what the name on the bottle says. but if your forty is in green glass, you know it is truly classy. billy dee williams?!? any way, quizzo was the only thing of substance i did today. other than that it was well, dicking around on the internet. let's just say i learned a lot about dutch football. and toothpaste for dinner archives. boy was i missing out.
after the cats woke me up at like 630 this morning i found out how sweet it is to have a door. go brawl somewhere where i don't have to hear you, crazy gatos. and now they're laying about all peaceful like. and they still haven't paid any rent at all.
i missed something in my previous post. a place for kindred spirits and overly-serious snack-food consumers (both people and snacks may be too serious). i revolved between being shocked and relieved that such a thing existed. screw social networking based on music or literature, potato chips are where it's at (i've got two turntables and a bag of mack 10 hot bbq rap snacks).
so for a while i've been meaning to go on and on about this animal collective show (wanted to link it, no cooperation from connection, it is available on it is from helsinki date is... 7/3/06). from what i understand their m.o. is to play a song live for a while, put it on the upcoming release, and never play it again. being in that indie game, there are all sorts of singles and eps that dispatch great tunes at random. anyway, this makes sense given a comparison between the show, the most recent release, and current setlists. i found out that they are playing here next weekend. and then i found out the show was sold out. and then i was pissed. and then i listened to a show from a couple months ago again, and i wasn't near as upset. before anyone starts calling names or pointing fingers, i would like to say that it isn't that i like their first album, or even "the old stuff" in general. i prefer what they've done over the past couple years (sung tongs, feels, this show, presumably the new album i did NOT pay $22 bucks for on vinyl on friday, maybe some other day). i can't even count how many times i've played this finland show, i dig it the most. i still haven't heard devandra banhart (not linking that, i think basket just did anyway) but i guess that dude and animal collective are allegedly the big players in the supposed genres of freak folk and naturalismo (note missing wikipedia links, do the legwork yourself). and this devandra character is playing here soon too, but i am not going unless someone tells me how to hear some for free. the only show on etree is bonnaroo (never trust those sets) and there is only one seeder anyway (great, that should finish in like a month). fortunately, i do not feel that i am limited to obscure bands and have been thoroughly enjoying zappa's "hot rats" and the band's masterpiece "music from big pink". maybe my record collection isn't totally lacking after all, no matter what they would have me believe. a distinct pattern of fans of any band is to look down on any radio single and sometimes the surrounding album, but i think most people would regard that attitude toward the band and this record as pure anathema. if you don't dig "the weight" you're probably hate freedom. and now i'm gonna play some jethro tull, just because i can and no one will be annoyed. i did play thick as a brick the other day. boy was i bummed when i finally discovered the newpaper packaging had no relation to reality as traditionally understood at all. it was a good story though. people always focus on the flute, but there is so much more going on. not that the flute in a rock tune isn't money. that keyboard player from tea leaf green busted out some flute when i saw those guys and it undeniably hit the spot.
kind of like lebowski the other night. it's not like it suddenly solves all of my problems, but it is always a go-to point to springboard from. i wound up taking a definite perspective on the film than i typically do as someone who has seen it over and over. the dude's point of view really got to me, which was a change of pace whatever you may say. just imagining oneself in his situation and trying to deal with the kind of shit that walter is constantly pulling really defines a much sharper focus as to what is going on. i wish i had the sort of theoretical outlet that allowed me to build up or whatever it is (another bad connection link casualty, starting to wonder if i'll even manage to post this bullshit).
so i shaved my beard and head. no, didn't do that, but i did think about and consider it; just too drastic, and overall inappropriate at this juncture. i just trimmed my beard. things had simply gone too far; i could hardly eat without forcing beard hair into my mouth. that is no way to eat, and if it is no way to eat, it is no way to live in my book, which is comprised of ar least 1/3rd eating.


Anonymous said...

i wonder whose hair/beard combo is going to last longer. somehow i never imagined you even mentioning the possibility of cutting that shit off. i'm going to go burn one and see if the band sleeping on my living room floor wants to watch lebowski.

metal said...

i think food service behooves stylistic choice more than whateverthefuckitis that i wind up doing. how will i ever network when the only thing people remember about me is that i look like i'm in the wrong place? the answer is fuck 'em