i was having a heck of a time with some headlines in the 'ol press yesterday. they're typically bad, but half of it was all perception anyway. so at first someone was telling me about this guy who was from somewhere in west michigan who was in jail in california for killin some girl and apparently had all these pictures of other people he claimed he killed. sounds like he got a few of em. serial killing is making a comeback i guess, some other guy is claiming bunches again too. i guess the eighties are gradually coming back. i was kinda skeptical at first cause i had read a bunch of stuff about henry lee lucas and how he hadn't really killed anyone but his mom (who had it comin). but i guess some of these people were pros. anyway, someone came in with a paper and i noticed the top headline claimed 'model killer will spend life in prison'. the phrase model killer struck me as kind of bizarre, but given the discussion we were having about this guy being a legit pro killer, it made good sense at the time. i noticed later that it was model's, not model, but hey, i had gotten my laugh. in a related article in which i did not misread the headline, this guy's ex wife claimed he was "worse than Lucifer". if you want an explanation on why that's hilarious, fuck you, you don't have a sense of humor. however, the best headline of the issue was related to the constant crisis in the middle east: 'hezbollah deals blow to israel'. i lost it. things are bad enough over there, but now they have to throw coke into the mix? at least now america has a major interest at stake. i mean its not that obvious of a fucked up headline, but its not that not obvious, is it? c'mon, BLOW. they even made that movie a couple years ago. and that recoil article about man addicted to movie 'blow'. people know these things. well, apparently, some people...
also in recent news, they just executed another inmate in south america. this at the same time as the UN has asked the US to halt executions. that's right, the same UN that is asking iran to cut a bunch of shit out. guess who is gonna get the sanctions. and guess who is actually killing people. oh yeah, the UN also wants the US to getrid of its secret bases. i really enjoy how secret bases have been making headlines for a couple months. how fucking secret is it at this point? we know what we're up to. so does everyone else. anyway, this guy they killed claimed to be a follower of asatru, which is some form of reconstructed form of germanic paganism. certain forms of it are supposedly gaining popularity
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i did hear that the holy land has good blow
you know, they don't call it the promised land for nothing
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